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Treating Sexual and Reproductive Problems

Writer's picture: Dr P K GuptaDr P K Gupta

Human sexual fact addresses several dimensions: sex, sexuality, and erotica. We are sexed beings; we live and enjoy our sexuality alone or in a company. But during that trip, some problems may arise that negatively affect our health. Following whose definition, which classifies health not only as an absence of disease but as a global state of physical, psychic, and social health, the approach to sexuality must be holistic and multidisciplinary. Therefore, the approach should range from gynecology professionals, urologists, psychologists, and sexologist in Delhi.

This bio-psycho-social approach should never forget sex therapy. Often, in consultation, the issue of sexual intercourse can be taboo and gives half-talk about any kind of dysfunction that may arise. But it should not be forgotten that unsatisfactory sexuality affects the rest of the aspects of the person’s daily life, which may be the cause or consequence of other dysfunctions, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

Lack of sexual desire, for example, or pain in the face of penetration (dyspareunia) are common causes of visiting sexologist doctor in Delhi. In the first case, it is often psychological problems. In the second, it can be physiological or biological problems. But if, discarded the evidence, there is no physical problem, we could be faced with a problem of vaginismus (involuntary contraction of the nerves of the vagina). In this type of sexual dysfunction, sexological therapy, or sex therapy techniques should be followed.

It is estimated that between one-third and half of the women will suffer some form of sexual dysfunction throughout their lives (hypodeseo, vaginal dryness, pre-orgasmic, etc.). The most common consultations of women are in relation to pain during penetration, especially when looking for a pregnancy (since there are other practices besides intercourse). Although many are known not to reach orgasm, this reason seems not enough for them to come to the consultation. The subject of the consultation with top sexologist in Delhi has not changed much in recent years, what has happened is that the number of women who go to sex specialist in Delhi has increased more (something that is much more visible in men, who are starting to attend).

However, it is estimated that most people with sexual problems do not go to sexologists in Delhi.

As for women’s reproductive health, obstetrics units should also have to intervene. Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum have specific characteristics for what women’s bodies need to be known for. Likewise, the menstrual cycle and menopause must be seen as something positive but to be able to be treated in an effective way, being able to alleviate hormonal changes but empowering these processes from a not merely reproductive perspective, explains sexologist in Delhi.

A recent study by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) published that approximately 28% of women are no longer mothers. Of this 28% only 2 to 3% was not for biological reasons. 17-18% for emotional and economic reasons. And 5% by free decision (no desire for motherhood). Another study by Robin Hadley concluded that both men and women had similar maternal desire and that even they became more depressed when they could not.

Similarly, male sexual disorders or dysfunctions require specific attention. Thus, the most common ones, such as prostate problems, are treated in urology. But premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia, ruled out biological problems, require more sex treatment in Delhi.

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (also known as dissatisfaction with ejaculation time or dissatisfaction are erection time) are usually addressed from the unrealistic expectations of the man or partner with the time that erection or ejaculation is supposed to last. “Fear of not carving” or anticipatory anxiety should be addressed by sexologist in Delhi.

In most of these cases, in both males and women, it is important to know if they are primary or secondary, i.e. whether they have always occurred or if they have started as a result of a particular event. Also, the symptoms in which they manifest. Many of these dysfunctions may not be given the importance they deserve. And not just because we value our sexuality less than it deserves, but because it can indicate another health problem. For example, diabetes can cause erection difficulties, explains sexologist in Delhi.

As for problems in interaction with other people, psychologically cut couples therapy will help mediation to improve social and communication skills.

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